Form ID

Publication date

Location of premises


SSA17-070 Supply and Installation of Shade Sails

Date substantially performed:
Date certificate signed:


Name of Owner
City of Vaughan
Address of Owner
300 Pleasant Ridge Ave, Thornhill, ON L4J 9B3
Name of Contractor
ABC Recreation Ltd.
Address of Contractor
PO Box 21009, Paris, ON N3L 4A5
Name of Certifier
Richard Fournier, City of Vaughan, Parks Dev.
Address of Certifier
2141 Major Mackenzie Rd., Vaughan, ON L6A 1T1

Identification of Premises

300 Pleasant Ridge Ave, Thornhill, Ontario (Conc2. Lot No.9)

Office to which claim for lien must be given to preserve lien

2141 Major Mackenzie Drive; Vaughan, ON.; L6A 1T1