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Ontario Budget: Liberals give NDP May 8 deadline to decide whether to support budget

Ontario’s minority Liberals are giving the New Democrats a week to decide whether they’ll support their new budget or force an election.


Ontario's minority Liberals are giving the New Democrats a week to decide whether they'll support their new budget or force an election.

Premier Kathleen Wynne says she wants to meet with NDP Leader Andrea Horwath by May 8 to discuss whether her party will support the $130.4-billion spending blueprint.

If Horwath — who did not comment on the budget May 1 — agrees to support it, Wynne says she wants to determine a plan for passing it before the legislature rises in June.

The make-it-or-break-it budget tabled today could seal the fate of the minority Liberals, who need the support of at least one of the opposition parties to avoid defeat.

The New Democrats have propped them up in the past, but Horwath wouldn't say what she'll do.

Wynne says the contents of the budget have been discussed in recent weeks, so the NDP don't need too much time to review the document.

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