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Government, OH&S

Alberta companies charged with dumping toxic waste

JOC News Service
Alberta companies charged with dumping toxic waste

CALGARY, ALTA. – Three Alberta companies are facing environmental charges after officials discovered dangerous substances dumped on city of Calgary property.

The charges, laid under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, relate to excavated fill contaminated with hexavalent chromium deposited on City of Calgary property on or about April 13, 2017.

The province has laid 12 charges against three companies and one director from each company.

Loutfi Aboumrad and Superior Concrete Systems Ltd. are charged with five counts under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act. Ziad El-Bittar and Alberta Chrome & Grinding (2001) Ltd. are charged with three counts under the act. Hussein Amery and Amara Investments Corp. face four charges under the act.

The next court appearance is scheduled for March 2, 2020 at the Calgary Courts Centre.

Health Canada considers hexavalent chromium to be toxic and cancer causing. According to Health Canada, Chromium is used in a wide variety of industrial applications in Canada including metal finishing, the production of stainless and heat resistant steels, refractory products such as bricks and mortars, and in pigments, leather tanning, and wood preservatives. Both trivalent and hexavalent forms of chromium are released into the environment in Canada as a result of these industrial uses, as well as from the production and combustion of fossil fuels, and the smelting and refining of nonferrous base metals.

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