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Pre-Bid Projects

Pre-Bid Projects

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Government, Infrastructure

First Notice: NWT infrastructure; B.C. disaster mitigation funding; Manitoba finalizes road design

First Notice: NWT infrastructure; B.C. disaster mitigation funding; Manitoba finalizes road design


NWT gets $17.25M for infrastructure

The government of Canada is giving $17.25 million to the Northwest Territories through the new Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF) for the 2021–22 fiscal year, along with a top-up of $16.5 million. The top-up doubles the amount of money that Northwest Territories communities received through the program in 2020-21. The CCBF was formerly known as the Gas Tax Fund.

B.C. and feds invest in community resilience in Whistler and Lions Bay

The province of British Columbia and the federal government are investing local infrastructure in the communities of Lions Bay, B.C. and Whistler B.C. with funding for two disaster mitigation projects. The Village of Lions Bay will construct a 2-storey addition to an emergency building and the Resort Municipality of Whistler will create fuel breaks as barriers to slow or stop the spread of wildfires in the Nesters Hill area.

Manitoba releases final Provincial Trunk Highway design

The province of Manitoba is presenting the final design for the Provincial Trunk Highway (PTH) 52 in Mitchell. The proposed safety improvements are based on responses from about 370 engagement participants and include reopening Ash Street and extending the four-lane divided highway section to the west side of Broesky Road. A second round of public engagement on PTH 52 through Mitchell will be held until Aug. 10 through EngageMB

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