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B.C. proposes development process changes to streamline housing approvals

DCN-JOC News Services
B.C. proposes development process changes to streamline housing approvals
PROVINCE OF B.C.—B.C. officials are proposing several legislative changes to streamlining housing project approvals in the province.

VICTORIA—A series of legislative amendments aims to accelerate housing supply in B.C. by streamlining development approval processes.

“We are working with local governments, the development sector and housing advocates to streamline local development processes to help get more homes built faster for people,” said Josie Osborne, minister of municipal affairs, in a press release. “By updating public hearing and certain permit requirements, we are giving local governments more tools to deliver the housing that communities need throughout B.C. This is one important step in the work all orders of government must do to meet housing needs for people in our communities.”

The province is looking to make the following amendments to the Local Government Act:

  • remove the default requirement for local governments to hold public hearings for zoning bylaw amendments that are consistent with the official community plan; and
  • enable local governments to delegate decisions on minor development variance permits to staff.

Officials explained these bottlenecks were identified during consultation with local governments, housing providers, builders and other stakeholders as part of the province’s Development Approvals Process Review.

“B.C. local governments have been seeking improvements to streamline development approval processes,” said Laurey-Anne Roodenburg, president of the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM). “These amendments to the current legislation provide new options that align with recommendations in UBCM’s housing strategy, maintain local government flexibility, and will be welcomed by many UBCM members. We will continue to work with the government to seek further improvements to the development approval process.”

The proposed amendment for public hearings requires local governments to provide public notice of the rezoning bylaw before the bylaw is considered at first reading by a municipal council or regional district board.

The proposed legislation also makes amendments to streamline the Islands Trust development approvals processes by enabling local trust committees to adopt and amend Development Approval Information bylaws. As well, the province is proposing changes that will support the City of Powell River’s economic development objectives by removing city-owned lots from the designated mill site area to allow for further development of those lands and support community planning.

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