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Pre-Bid Projects

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Government, Infrastructure

$240M allotted to update B.C. HVAC systems in schools

$240M allotted to update B.C. HVAC systems in schools

VICTORIA — B.C. is funding improvements to schools to make them cleaner and more comfortable.

The province announced it will spend $240.5 million in 2022-23 for school maintenance projects, which includes $48.4 million to upgrade HVAC systems at 90 schools throughout the province. Since the start of the pandemic, the ministry has provided $163.1 million in provincial and federal funding for HVAC upgrades.

To further improve energy efficiency at B.C. schools, the Ministry of Education’s Carbon Neutral Capital Fund is providing $23 million this year to support energy and electrical upgrades at 75 schools. This can also include funding for electric vehicle charging stations, allowing more districts to support CleanBC initiatives.

“We’re investing in better learning environments for students with more energy efficient, comfortable and healthy buildings that will reduce pollution and help fight climate change,” said George Heyman, minister of environment and climate change strategy, in a statement. “Through CleanBC, we’re building a cleaner, better B.C. for young peoples’ future by reducing emissions in schools while creating new opportunities in a net-zero emissions future.”

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