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Total number of Vancouver households increased by 9% in five years: Metro Van

Total number of Vancouver households increased by 9% in five years: Metro Van

VANCOUVER – Metro Vancouver’s 2022 Housing Data Book is now available for anyone who wants to sink their teeth into the trends and changes in the city’s housing stock.

Key observations include a nine per cent increase in total households between 2016 and 2021, a 39 per cent increase in social housing waitlists and the highest number of housing starts in two decades.

The book contains data from Statistics Canada, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, BC Housing, local real estate associations, member jurisdictions and the 2021 census, reads a news release.

Regardless of the record number of housing starts, Metro declares the city is still falling behind demand. Metro Vancouver has committed $190 million to renew and build affordable housing with more than 800 homes currently being worked on across the region.

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