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More industry input needed in Winnipeg’s social procurement plan: MHCA

DCN-JOC News Services
More industry input needed in Winnipeg’s social procurement plan: MHCA

WINNIPEG — Manitoba Heavy Construction Association president Chris Lorenc is calling for further industry specialist engagement on the City of Winnipeg’s new social procurement strategy.

“We are working to ensure that the social procurement policies, especially as they affect tender contracts, are workable and reflect market realities,” said Lorenc in a news release from the MHCA.

The city’s social procurement framework is two years in the making and intends to use the city’s purchasing power to derive greater social benefit and increase business with targeted equity groups, the release reads.

Equity groups include but are not limited to: racialized people, Indigenous people, newcomers who have been in Canada for less than five years, people with disabilities, women, veterans and members of the LGBTQ+ community.

“We need a consultation table where industry procurement specialists can work with city administration as the tender documents and construction contracts are revised to include the requirements for social benefits. That way both the industry and the city can work to ensure the process is solid, workable and fair to all,” said Lorenc.

The new procurement rules will run in an initial phase from 2023-2025 after which a second three-year phase of the procurement action plan will be developed based on learnings from the first phase.

You can read Winnipeg’s social procurement framework and action plan online.

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