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B.C. architects, engineers approve new standard contracts

DCN-JOC News Services
B.C. architects, engineers approve new standard contracts

VANCOUVER — B.C.’s engineers and architects have announced the release of standard contracts for architectural and engineering services.

The announcement by the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – British Columbia (ACEC-BC) and the Architectural Institute of British Columbia (AIBC) ends a process that began six years ago, stated a release. In 2018 a provincial subcommittee led by the Ministry of Finance was formed to develop supplemental conditions for RAIC Doc 6 2022 Standard Form of Contract for Architectural Services and CCDC-31 2020 Service Agreement Between Owner and Consultant.

The resulting contracts are expected to “support fairness, transparency and efficiency in contracting architectural and engineering consultants,” stated the stakeholders. “Further, the use of standard contracts aligns with the province’s procurement strategy by making it easier to do business with government and creating opportunity for businesses of all size.”

The architectural agreement has also been approved as an acceptable standard contract by the AIBC and supports registrants in complying with professional standards on contracts in the AIBC Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.

Both the agreements and user guides are posted to the province’s Capital Asset Management Framework Guidelines website.

“The release of standard form contracts is a significant outcome for design consulting firms of all sizes,” stated ACEC-BC CEO Caroline Andrewes. “Contract review and negotiation can be disruptive and lead to project delays; use of standard forms of agreement supports trust, efficiency and transparency for all project partners. The effort of all members on the subcommittee was significant, and we are very proud to deliver this work with exceptional partners.”

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