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Government, Infrastructure

Manitoba announces $500-million infrastructure plan

Manitoba announces $500-million infrastructure plan

WINNIPEG — Manitoba has unveiled $500 million in infrastructure spending to help its economy weather the COVID-19 pandemic.

“As Manitoba continues to flatten the COVID curve, we are now in a position to slowly and carefully begin to restart our economy,” said Premier Brian Pallister in a press release. “Our government is committed to working with industry, municipalities and all levels of government to help stimulate our economy as we move forward through this global health and financial pandemic.”

The $500-million investment through the Manitoba Restart Program will be on top of previously-planned infrastructure investments of $3 billion over the next two years, the premier noted.
The Manitoba Restart Program will include new:

  • water and sewage projects through the Municipal Water Services Board;
  • road and highway resurfacing and repairs;
  • bridge repairs;
  • municipal infrastructure priorities; and
  • potential new cost-sharing construction projects with other levels of government if agreements can be reached.

“Today’s announcement builds on our commitment to ensure critical funding to Manitoba municipalities as promised in Budget 2020 remains intact, despite unprecedented financial pressures on the provincial government and record borrowing levels,” said Pallister. “Manitoba’s construction industry is ready to ramp up their work and we have many important shovel-worthy projects throughout the province to start that will improve the quality of life of all Manitobans.”

The premier added that specific projects starts would be announced in the next few weeks.

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