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Final section of Calgary Ring Road to start in 2019

JOC News Service
Final section of Calgary Ring Road to start in 2019
GOVERNMENT OF ALBERTA WEST CALGARY RING ROAD VIDEO SCREENGRAB — Design and construction of the West Calgary Ring Road, the final stretch that will complete the circle around the city, will get underway next year, the government of Alberta recently announced.

CALGARY — The Government of Alberta recently announced that design and construction of the West Calgary Ring Road, the final stretch that will complete the circle around the city, will get underway next year.

Comprised of three separate parts, the West Calgary Ring Road project will see the construction of approximately nine kilometres of six- and eight-lane divided freeway, the reconstruction of five kilometres of the Trans-Canada Highway (Highway 1), widening of Stoney Trail from the Bow River to Scenic Acres, six interchanges and 24 bridges.
Work is expected to begin with the North section, which is three kilometres of six- to eight-lane divided freeway between Highway 1 and the Old Banff Coach Road. This will include the reconstruction of five kilometres of Highway 1, 18 bridges, two interchanges and one flyover, explains a release.

The South project, which is five kilometres of six- to eight-lane divided freeway between Old Banff Coach Road and Highway 8, will also include the construction of seven bridges and four interchanges. The final part of the project includes the twinning of the Bow River Bridge on the northwest segment of the ring road, and the widening of Stoney Trail for about two kilometres of northwest Stoney Trail from Crowchild Trail to the Scenic Areas Link.
According to the province, the procurement process is currently underway for the North project with construction slated for spring 2019 at which time procurement for the second part of the project will proceed. Design and construction of the South project and the Bow River Bridge twinning is currently planned for 2020.

The project is expected to support approximately 2,600 construction jobs and, upon completion in 2022, the Calgary Ring Road will provide 101 kilometres of free-flow traffic, accommodating approximately 80,000 vehicles per day, said a release.

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Paul Frenette Image Paul Frenette

Finally but I am sure that every interchange will be different. I do not believe that there are 2 identical interchanges for our major routes in this city. Having identical interchanges promotes safety and reduces stress and chance of accidents. The recently completed 162 Ave SW-Sun Valley Blvd and McLeod Trail interchange is yet another example of a bizarre interchange.


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