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Manitoba invests $35M to build a new bridge on the Assiniboine River

Manitoba invests $35M to build a new bridge on the Assiniboine River

WINNIPEG — A 71-year-old bridge on the Assiniboine River in Manitoba is ready for retirement, leaving room for the construction of a brand new bridge for $35.3 million.

The Government of Manitoba announced the new bridge will be built at the Provincial Trunk Highway 34 crossing over the river, north of Holland in the Municipality of Victoria.

Construction of the bridge and highway realignment is scheduled to begin fall 2023 with the bridge opening one year later, a press release states.

The old bridge won’t be demolished until winter 2024/2025.

The project is part of a 2023 multi-year infrastructure investment strategy that contains more than $4.1 billion in infrastructure investment.

“The bridge serves as an important north-south link over the Assiniboine River between the Trans Canada Highway and PTH 2. The new bridge will support trade and commerce and improve public safety in the area,” said Doyle Piwniuk, minister of transportation and infrastructure, in the release.

Recent Comments (2 comments)

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Ronald G Friesen Image Ronald G Friesen

Good job!!
A more efficient trade route will always increase commercial activity in the immediate area.

Levi hofer Image Levi hofer

Fix the high way first and foremost.


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