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Construction Foundation of BC raising funds for young tradespeople

JOC News Service
Construction Foundation of BC raising funds for young tradespeople

VANCOUVER — The Construction Foundation of BC (CFBC) has announced a new effort to support educators and students preparing for Regional Skills Canada Competitions.

The foundation will now be raising funds to provide the materials, equipment and additional supports for educators and competitors.

Regional Skills Canada BC Competitions draw roughly 2,000 students each year to faceoff in skill-based events.

The winners can then secure their space in the provincials, nationals, and world skills competitions.

Alan Fletcher, president of AFC Construction and chair of the CFBC board, said applied learning, whether through shop classes, workplace experience or competition is a critical pathway to successful employment.

“Our intent with this campaign is to provide a bridge for more young people to connect with the skilled trades and technology, hopefully realizing that you can enter on the tools and continue to build your career in a number of different of ways. By supporting the young people who have the ambition to participate in these competitions, we will open the doors to a new generation of skilled workers, estimators, project managers and future leaders,” said Fletcher in a press release.

He added with the BC Construction Association’s latest “Stat Pack” indicating that 14,200 construction jobs will be unfilled due to labour shortages by 2026, supporting young tradespeople is important.

“Skills Canada BC greatly appreciates the Construction Foundation of BC’s support of its 13 Olympic-

style regional competitions. Working together, our organizations can provide life-changing opportunities for B.C.’s youth who are interested in entering the skilled trade and technology sectors,” added Elaine Allan,

Skills Canada BC’s executive director.

In the release, CFBC executive director Abigail Fulton said the competitions play a crucial role in promoting the trades and celebrating young skilled tradespeople.

“Informing youth, attracting their interest and enabling opportunities for them to discover careers in the skilled trades and technology are the first steps to building the next generation,” said Fulton.

The Get Skills Ready campaign will focus on providing support to youth in the K – 12 system, educators

and industry. Those interested in donating to the fund can visit

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