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Government, Infrastructure

B.C. government puts $217.7 million towards energy efficient schools

B.C. government puts $217.7 million towards energy efficient schools

The government of British Columbia is putting $217.7 million of annual maintenance funding to school districts across the province to increase energy efficiency in schools.

This year’s funding is $32.3 million higher than in 2016-17. It includes an additional $12.2 million from CleanBC to give school districts more resources through the province’s Carbon Neutral Capital Program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and create operating cost savings from energy efficiencies such as adding solar panels, high efficiency boilers and LED lighting upgrades, a government release stated.

“Tackling climate change is critically important for all of us, and our school system can play a part in helping cut carbon pollution. That’s why we’ve significantly increased maintenance funding to help districts better maintain schools, improve energy efficiency and work to provide the best possible learning environments for students,” B.C. minister of education Rob Fleming said.

CleanBC is the B.C. government’s plan to reduce carbon pollution through approximately $1.3 billion in provincial funding over four years.

“All youth deserve a brighter future and that’s what CleanBC is about. We’re working with school districts throughout the province to create healthier learning environments for students and modelling a more secure future through energy efficient buildings and transportation options,” B.C. minister of environment and climate change strategy minister George Heyman said.

In addition to new CleanBC funding the Carbon Neutral Capital Program is providing $17.2 million to 67 different energy efficient projects.

A School Enhancement Program also supports upgrades to schools including roofing, fire systems and washrooms, and a Building Envelope Program

School districts will also have the option to purchase electric school buses through the 2020-21 Bus Acquisition Program which provides $13 million for 31 school districts to buy 101 new buses including up to 15 electric buses. Districts that purchase electric buses will also have access to provincial funding for charging station infrastructure.

“B.C. is leading the country in transitioning to electric vehicles, and our government is supporting that movement wherever we can. Helping school districts invest in electric buses contributes not only to a cleaner environment, but also a healthier space for students,” B.C. minister of energy, mines and petroleum resources Bruce Ralston said.

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