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Skills Ontario celebrates World Youth Skills Day

Skills Ontario celebrates World Youth Skills Day

TORONTO— Skills Ontario has issued a statement celebrating World Youth Skills Day today, July 15.

Ian Howcroft, CEO of Skills Ontario, explained World Youth Skills Day is a day for building awareness of the importance of skills education and training, and promoting skills among youth. He said the day is intended to bring attention to the critical need for marketable skills.

“World Youth Skills Day is incredibly important to recognize, as we at Skills Ontario work to encourage youth in Ontario to pursue careers in the skilled trades and technologies across several programs throughout the year. The pandemic has shown more than ever the importance and need for a highly skilled and trained workforce,” said Howcroft. “In order to build a stronger economy on a provincial, national and global scale, youth not only need to be educated on the skills they have the potential to develop, but also on the importance of these skills and how they contribute to a rewarding future for all.”

During World Youth Skills Day and throughout the summer, Skills Ontario is hosting Virtual Summer Camps, where Ontario youth entering Grades 7, 8, and 9 are participating in virtual workshops to try various activities relating to the skilled trades and technologies and to gain skills such as communication and problem-solving.

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