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US News

U.S. Spotlight: Texas pours money into water infrastructure; RLB’s latest quarterly cost report; California’s careful budget

U.S. Spotlight: Texas pours money into water infrastructure; RLB’s latest quarterly cost report; California’s careful budget

This week the U.S. Spotlight by ConstructConnect’s Daily Commercial News features news Texas is aiming to pour billions into its water infrastructure; Enbridge must stop Line 5 operations on Bad River land by June 2026; a new report shows a moderate construction cost increase continent-wide; and California’s new budget covers off its multibillion-dollar deficit.


Texas poised to pour billions into water infrastructure

Enbridge ‘must cease’ Line 5 operations on Bad River land by June 2026: judge

RLB reports moderate construction cost increases continent-wide

California’s new budget covers $32 billion deficit without touching reserves

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