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Community meetings on deck for proposed Durham Kawartha Power Line

Community meetings on deck for proposed Durham Kawartha Power Line

PETERBOROUGH, ONT. — Feedback is being sought and several community meetings are in the works for the proposed Durham Kawartha Power Line.

There are two upcoming community open houses that will discuss the project:

  • Tuesday, March 18 from 3 to 7 p.m. at the Solina Community Hall in Hampton
  • Thursday, March 20 from 3 to 7 p.m. at Bethany United Church

Hydro One plans to construct a double-circuit, 230-kilovolt, 53-kilometre transmission line between the Dobbin Transformer Station in Peterborough County and the Clarington Transformer Station in the Municipality of Clarington.

The majority of the line uses an existing Hydro One transmission corridor, explains a release, thus reducing impacts on Ontario’s natural environment and minimizing vegetation removal.

For a three-kilometre section of the line near Clarington Transformer Station, two route alternatives were studied using four criteria categories: Indigenous culture, values and land use; natural environment; socio-economic environment; and technical feasibility and cost categories.

As a result, route B was selected as the preferred route, scoring highest across all four categories.

Once built, the proposed Durham Kawartha Power Line will add approximately 400 megawatts of electricity to the network, which is enough to power a city bigger than Peterborough.

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