Form ID

Publication date

Location of premises


Mental Health Services at 1225 Kennedy Road

Date substantially performed:
Date certificate signed:


Name of Owner
Scarborough Hospital, General Division
Address of Owner
Capital Projects, Scarborough Hospital, General Division 305
Name of Contractor
Dineen Construction Corporation
Address of Contractor
70 Disco Road, Suite 300, Toronto, ON M9W 1L9
Name of Certifier
Paul Quiterio - Architects
Address of Certifier
3 Church Street Suite 600 Toronto ON M5E 1M2

Identification of Premises

1225 Kennedy Road, Unit J - All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the City of Scarborough, in the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto and being composed of all of Lot 50 according to the Registrar’s Compiled Plan filed and registered as Number 9846 in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs (No.64) Together With a Right-of-Way over, along and upon a strip of land being composed of part of Lot 52, said strip of land being 90 feet in perpendicular width and lying 15 feet measured perpendicularly on each side of a centre line and centre line produced which may located as follows: All bearings herein are astronomic and are referred to the Ontario Co-Ordinate System Zone 10, central meridian 79 degrees 30’ West Longitude Commencing at a point in the most westerly limit of Lot 52, being the easterly limit of Kenedy Road as widened, distant 42.35 feet measured northerly thereon from its intersection with the south westerly limit of Lot 52