Form ID

Publication date

Location of premises


Procter & Gamble training centre

Date substantially performed:
Date certificate signed:


Name of Owner
Marisa Construction c/o
Address of Owner
Menkes, 4711 Yonge St., Toronto
Name of Contractor
Bellcon Interiors
Address of Contractor
583 Lyman Blvd, Newmarket, ON L3X 1V9
Name of Certifier
Atkinson + Design Inc.
Address of Certifier
106 Front Street East, Suite 400, Toronto, ON

Identification of Premises

Parcel 948-1 in the Register for Section B-1967, Land Titles Division of Metropolitan Toronto, being composed of part of Block A, according to Plan 2090, registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs, Lots 948, 949, 950, 951, 952 and 953 according to Plan 1967, as stopped up and closed by Judge’s Order, registered in the said Land Registry Office as Instrument 493693, North York, all designated as part 1 on a plan of survey deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Metropolitan Toronto, at Toronto, as Plan 66R-12991; Together with a right-of-way described in Instrument No. 265943, North York, over part of said Block A, designated as Part 2 on said Plan 66R-12991; The Northerly limit of Glendora Avenue was confirmed under the Boundaries Act by Plan BA-832 registered in the said Land Registry Office as Instrument 699855, North York; BA-2015, a plan under the Boundaries Act, registered as Plan D-781 confirms part of the boundaries of this Land