Publication date
- This is to certify the completion of a subcontract for the supply of services or materials between
- Lions Group Inc.
- The subcontract provided the supply of the following services or materials:
- 8 Storey Development - 871-899 College Street,
- To the following improvement:
- Demolition of Existing Buildings at 871, 897, and 899 College Street
- Of the premises at:
- 871-899 College Street West, Toronto, ON
- Date of certification:
- February 12, 2020
- Name of owner:
- College Street Property Inc.
- Address for service:
- 370 King Street West, Box 35, Suite 805, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 1J9
- Name of contractor:
- Gillam Group Inc.
- Address for service:
- 36 Northline Road, Unit 3 Toronto, ON M4B 3E2
- Office to which claim for lien must be given to preserve lien:
- 370 King Street West, Suite 805, Toronto, ON
View original certificate
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