Publication date
- 1063 Front Road North & Kingsbridge Drive, Amherstburg, Ontario
- This is to certify that the contract for the following improvement:
- Amherstburg PS-22 & PS-28 Upgrades and Forcemain
- To the above premises was substantially performed on:
- September 26, 2019
- Date certificate signed:
- September 26, 2019
- Name of owner:
- The Corporation of the Town of Amherstburg
- Address for service:
- 512 Sandwich Street South, Amherstburg, ON N9V 3R2
- Name of contractor:
- J & J Lepera Infrastructures Inc
- Address for service:
- 4405 Seventh Concession Road, Windsor, ON N9A 6J3
- Name of payment certifier:
- CH2M HILL Canada Limited
- Address:
- 72 Victoria Street South, Suite 300, Kitchener, ON N2G 4Y9
- Office to which claim for lien must be given to preserve lien:
- The Corporation of the Town of Amherstburg 512 Sandwich Street South, Amherstburg, Ontario N9V 3R2
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