Form ID

Publication date

Location of premises


“Cold in Place” - Asphalt Recycling - District 3.

Date substantially performed:
Date certificate signed:


Name of Owner
City of Toronto - District 3.
Address of Owner
Works & Emergency Services Transportation Services, 5100
Name of Contractor
Furfari Paving Company Ltd.
Address of Contractor
1159 Tapscott Rd., Scarborough, ON M1Z 1S9.
Name of Certifier
Trevor Tenn, P. Eng., Manager, Road Operations, District 3.
Address of Certifier
5100 Yonge Street, North York, Ont. M2N 5V7.

Office to which claim for lien must be given to preserve lien

City Clerk, Metro Hall, 55 John Street, 7th Floor, Toronto, Ont. M5V 3C6.