Form ID

Publication date

Location of premises


Quote No. 3718-00-1164 Ball Field Improvements and Removal of Wading Pool at Trinity Bellwoods Park

Date substantially performed:
Date certificate signed:


Name of Owner
City of Toronto
Address of Owner
Metro Hall, 55 John Street, Toronto, ON M5V 3C6
Name of Contractor
Hank Deenen Landscaping Ltd.
Address of Contractor
1774 Midland Avenue, Scarborough, Ont. M1P 3C2

Identification of Premises

Blocks B, E, F and G parts of Lots 11 and 12 in Block C and Parts of Lots 16 and 17 in Block D, all according to Plan 399; Lot 6 according to Plan 1127; and Parts of Park Lots 22 and 23 in Concession 1 from the Bay in Geographic Township of York