Certificate of Completion
Form ID
Publication date
Location of premises
Ottawa-Carleton Region,
City of Gloucester,
City of Gloucester,
Chapters building and tenant fit-up.
- Date substantially performed:
- Date certificate signed:
- Name of Owner
- Riotrin Properties (Gloucester 2) Inc.
- Address of Owner
- c/o Trinity Developments, 150 Isabella St., Suite 610, Ottaw
- Name of Contractor
- Mueller-Hein Corporation.
- Address of Contractor
- 29 Edgewater St., Kanata, ON K2L 1V7.
- Name of Certifier
- Berns Farow Architects Inc.
- Address of Certifier
- 1308A Wellington St., Ottawa, ON K1Y 3B2.
Identification of Premises
Firstly: PIN No. 04264-0223 (LT) Part of Lot 23, Concession 2, Ottawa Front designated as Part 6 on Plan 4R-14344, City of Gloucester, Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton.
Secondly: PIN No. 04264-0403 (LT) Block 31 and Part of Blocks 3, 4, 5, 13, 17, 18, 30 and Part of Harper Avenue (closed by Instrument Nos. LT986083 and LT1142651) all on Plan 4M-648 designated as Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 on Plan 4R-14344 City of Gloucester, Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton. Land Titles Division of Ottawa-Carleton (No. 4).