Form ID

Publication date

Location of premises


Electrical work for Generator Room, Fuel Tank Room Fourth and Sixth Floors and Roof at 720 King Street West for Bantrel Inc. by The State Group under Subcontract 24332-111-HC2-EOOZ-00001

Date substantially performed:
Date certificate signed:


Name of Owner
Wispra Networks Inc.
Address of Owner
One Yonge Street, Suite 1200, Toronto, ON M5E 1E5
Name of Contractor
Bantrel Inc.
Address of Contractor
12 Concorde Place, Suite 200, North York, ON M3C 3T1

Identification of Premises

All of Lots 21 and 22 and part of Lots 16, 17, 20 and 23, Section 1, Military Reserve Plan, City of Toronto, designated as Parts 4 and 5 on the Reference Plan 63R-1535 save and except those lands designated as Part 1 on Reference Plan 63R-3546 Together with a right and easement in favour of the owner of Parts 4 and 5, Reference Plan 63R-1535 to maintain the west wall and footings of the building constructed on the said Parts 4 and 5 in their present positions overhanging and encroaching upon that part of said Lots 17 and 20 designated as Part 3 on the said plan 63R-1535 and together with a right and easement in favour of the owner of Parts 4 and 5, Reference Plan 63R-1535 to enter from time to time that portion of the air space over Part 1, 63R-1535 immediately abutting the said west wall which is not at the particular time occupied by a building to the extent necessary to utilize a suspended construction platform for the said west wall. Provided that the said right of entry shall not be exercised unless immediately prior to its exercise at any particular time the owner of the said Parts 4 and 5 shall first have entered into an agreement with the then owner of the said Part 1 to indemnify him against loss caused by falling objects or otherwise arising from the use of the said platform Subject to a right and easement in favour of the owner of that part of Lot 23, designated as Part 6, Reference Plan 63R-1535 to construct and maintain the west wall of a building to be erected on said Part 6 overhanging Part 5, Reference Plan 63R-1535 to the extent that the air space over the said Part 5 is not already occupied by a building at the time of construction of a building on the said Part 6 and also subject to a right in favour of the owner of the said Part 6 to enter from time to time that portion of the air space over Part 4, Reference Plan 63R-1535 immediately abutting the said west wall of the building on Part 6 which is not at the particular time occupied by a building to the extent necessary to utilize a suspended construction platform for the purpose of performing repair or maintenance work on the said west wall. Provided that the right to construct a wall and the right to enter the air space over the said Part 4 shall not be exercised unless immediately prior to their exercise at any particular time the owner of the said Part 6 shall first have entered into an agreement with the owner of the said Parts 4 and 5 to indemnify him against loss caused by falling objects or otherwise arising from the said construction or the use of the said platform