Form ID

Publication date

Location of premises


Old Mill Pumping Station Reinstatement and Building Construction, Contract L00-88, Town of Hawkesbury.

Date substantially performed:
Date certificate signed:


Name of Owner
Town of Hawkesbury.
Address of Owner
790 James St., Hawkesbury, Ont. K6A 2W8.
Name of Contractor
Vaurtex Mechanical & Construction Inc.
Address of Contractor
772 Main St. E., Hawkesbury, Ont. K6A 1B4.
Name of Certifier
L’Ingenierie Lascelles Engineering Limited.
Address of Certifier
870 James St. Hawkesbury, Ont. K6A 2W8.

Office to which claim for lien must be given to preserve lien

Town of Hawkesbury, 600 Higginson St., Hawkesbury, Ont. K6A 1H1.