Form ID

Publication date

Location of premises


Davis Mills Bridge Rehabilitation - Contract No. PW -2002-13.

Date substantially performed:
Date certificate signed:


Name of Owner
County of Renfrew.
Address of Owner
9 Internatinal Drive, Pembroke, Ont. K8W 6W5.
Name of Contractor
Louis W. Bray Construction Limited
Address of Contractor
17460 Conc. 9A East, St. Andrews West, ON K0C 2A0
Name of Certifier
Harmer Poddlak Engineering Consultants Inc.
Address of Certifier
221-39 Robertson Blvd., Ottawa, Ont. K2H 0R9.

Office to which claim for lien must be given to preserve lien

County of Renfrew, 9 International Drive, Pembroke, Ont. K8W 6W5.