Certificate of Completion
Form ID
Publication date
Location of premises
Renfrew County,
Township of Rolph (Ontario) and Pontiac County, Township of Aberdeen (Quebec)
Township of Rolph (Ontario) and Pontiac County, Township of Aberdeen (Quebec)
Des Joachims Generating Station - Unit #7.
- Date substantially performed:
- Date certificate signed:
- Name of Owner
- Ontario Hydro Generation.
- Address of Owner
- c/o Des Joachims G.S. Site Office, PO Box 89, Rolphton, ON K
- Name of Contractor
- Walter Construction (Canada) Ltd.
- Address of Contractor
- #609 - 304 The East Mall, Toronto, ON M9B 6E2.
- Name of Certifier
- KST Hydroelectric Engineers.
- Address of Certifier
- Des Joachims G.S. Site Office, P.O. Box 89, Rolphton, Ont. K
Identification of Premises
Quebec - Township of Aberdeen, County of Pontiac, PQ, Block H at Rapids Des Joachims, Ontario - Township of Rolph, County of Renfrew, Lots 48 & 49, Range B, Ref. Water Lease No. 102.