Form ID

Publication date

Location of premises


J-Wing Addition

Date substantially performed:
Date certificate signed:


Name of Owner
Toronto East General Hospital
Address of Owner
825 Coxwell Ave., Toronto, ON M4C 3E7
Name of Contractor
Eastern Construction Company Limited
Address of Contractor
505 Consumers Road, Suite 1100, Toronto, ON M2J 5G2
Name of Certifier
Parkin Architects Limited
Address of Certifier
1 Valleybrook Drive, Toronto, ON M3B 2S7

Identification of Premises

All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land premises situate, lying and being in the City of Toronto (formerly Borough of East York) and being composed of the whole of Block D, Plan 2984 and part of Block C, Plan 2250, which are more particularly described as follows: Firstly: Commencing in the northerly limit of Sammon Avenue, distant 505 feet 6 inches measured easterly thereon from the easterly limit of Coxwell Avenue Thence northerly parallel to the easterly limit of Coxwell Avenue, 433 feet 2 inches more or less to a point being 362 feet 3 inches south of the southerly limit of Lumsden Avenue Thence westerly parallel to the southerly limit of Lumsden Avenue, 505 feet 6 inches to the easterly limit of Coxwell Avenue Thence southerly along said limit of Coxwell Avenue, 433 feet and 5 3/4 inches, more or less to the northerly limit of Sammon Avenue Thence easterly along said limit Avenue, 505 feet 6 inches to the Place of Beginning containing by admeasurement 5.029 acres be the same more or less Secondly: Commencing at a point in the easterly limit of Coxwell Avenue, distant 433 feet 5 3/4 inches measured northerly thereon from the northerly limit of Sammon Avenue Thence easterly parallel to the southerly limit of Lumsden Avenue 505 feet 6 inches Thence northerly parallel to the easterly limit of Coxwell Avenue 129 feet 3 inches Thence westerly parallel to the southerly limit of Lumsden Avenue 505 feet 6 inches to the easterly limit of Coxwell Avenue Thence southerly along the easterly limit of Coxwell Avenue 129 feet 3 inches more or less to the Point of Commencement containing 1 1/2 acres be the same more or less As previously described in Instrument No. 10416 East York Thirdly: Commencing at a point on the east street line of Coxwell Avenue where the easterly production of the south street line of Mortimer Avenue as shown on Plan 2250 intersects the said east street line of Coxwelll Avenue Thence continuing easterly along the easterly production of the south street line of Mortimer Avenue to its intersection with the northerly production of the west street line of Knight Street Thence southerly along the northerly production of the west street line of Knight Street and along the west street line of Knight Street to the north street line of Sammon Avenue Thence westerly along the north street line of Sammon Avenue to the south east angle of the property owned by the Toronto East General Hospital Thence northerly along the east boundary of the property owned by the Toronto East General Hospital to the north east angle thereof Thence westerly along the north boundary of the property owned by the Toronto East General Hospital to the east street line of Coxwell Avenue Thence northerly along the east street line of Coxwell Avenue to the Point of Beginning As previously described in Instrument No. 29686 East York Plan BA-2263 registered in accordance with the Boundaries Act on the 18th day of March 1986 as Plan 11857 confirms the true location of the south east corner of Block A and the south west corner of Block C, Plan 2250