Form ID

Publication date

Location of premises


Residential Dwelling

Date substantially performed:
Date certificate signed:


Name of Owner
Duanne Andrew Wight & Donna Louise Skelhorn
Address of Owner
1755 Moore Drive, R.R. #1, Cavan, ON L0A 1C0
Name of Contractor
Duanne Andrew Wight
Address of Contractor
1755 Moore Drive, R.R. #1, Cavan, ON L0A 1C0

Identification of Premises

Part of the Northeast corner of Lot 23 Concession 8 (formerly Township of Cavan) Township of Cavan-Millbrook-North Monaghan more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point on the Northern limit of said Lot distant 76.02 feet measured westerly therealong from the Northeast angle of the said Lot; Thence South 61 degrees 44 minutes East 70.36 feet; Thence South 16 degrees 28 minutes 10 seconds East and parallel to the Eastern limit of said Lot 68.60 feet; Thence South 15 degrees 59 minutes, 10 seconds East and parallel to the Eastern limit of said Lot 66.31 feet to a wire fence; Thence Westerly parallel to the Northern limit of said Lot 106 feet; Thence Northerly parallel to the Eastern boundary of said Lot, 184 feet more or less to the Northern boundary of said lot; Thence Easterly along said Northern boundary to the point of commencement As previously described in Instrument Number 96915 Subject to an easement in favour of The Bell Telephone Company of Canada over Part Lot 23, Concession 8, (formerly Township of Cavan) Township of Cavan-Millbrook-North Monaghan, designated as Part 2-9R221