Publication date
- This is to certify the completion of a subcontract for the supply of services or materials between
- Orin Demolition
- and
- Reliance Construction Toronto Inc.
- The subcontract provided the supply of the following services or materials:
- Demolition
- To the following improvement:
- Demolition - 293 The Kingsway
- Of the premises at:
- 293 The Kingsway, Etobicoke, ON
- Date of certification:
- October 14, 2020
- Name of owner:
- The Elia Corporation
- Address for service:
- 9 St. Stevens Court - Mgmt Office, Etobicoke, ON, M9A 3A9
- Name of contractor:
- Reliance Construction Toronto Inc.
- Address for service:
- 200 University Ave., Suite 400, Toronto, ON M5H 3C6
- Identification of premises for preservation of liens:
- 293 The Kingsway, Etobicoke, ON
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