Form ID

Publication date

Location of premises


Relocation of High Limit Area slot gaming (Areas I & J)

Date substantially performed:
Date certificate signed:


Name of Owner
Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation
Address of Owner
377 Riverside East
Name of Contractor
Eastern Construction Company Ltd.
Address of Contractor
505 Consumers Road, Suite 1100, Toronto, ON M2J 5G2
Name of Certifier
A.W. Hooker Associates Ltd.
Address of Certifier
2896 South Sheridan Way, Suite 300, Oakville, ON L6J 7G9

Identification of Premises

Firstly: (Land Titles) Part of Parcel 9-1 Section Windsor-106, in the City of Windsor, in the County of Essex, Land Titles Division of Essex (No. 12) Being: All of Lots 22, 23 and 24, Registered Plan 106, Part of Lots 9, 10, 11, 12 and 21, Registered Plan 106 All of Lot 20, Registered Plan 122 Part of Lots 1, 2, 18, 19, 21, 22 and 23, Registered Plan 122, Part of Lot 2 (South side of Sandwich Street), Registered Plan 123 Part of Lot 2 (North side of Stuart Street), Registered Plan 123 Designated as Part 3, Plan 12R-13958 Together with a right in the nature of a temporary easement and right-of-way in favour of Ontario Casino Corporation and its successors and assigns, as appurtenant to and for the benefit of the lands registered in the name of Ontario Casino Corporation, to enter over, along and upon the lands hereinafter described (the "Road Widenings") for purposes of ingress to and egress from the lands registered in the name of Ontario Casino Corporation, such temporary easement and right-of-way in respect of any part of the Road Widenings to terminate at such time as such part of the Road Widenings has been dedicated for public highway purposes. The Road Widenings being part of Parcel 9-1, Section Windsor-106 Being: Part of Lots 9, 10, 11, 12 and 21, Registered Plan 106 Part of Lots 1 and 2, Registered Plan 122 Part of Lot 2 (South side of Sandwich Street), Registered Plan 123 Designated as Part 2, Plan 12R-13958 Secondly: (Land Titles) Part of Parcel 25-1, Section Windsor-106, in the City of Windsor, in the County of Essex, Land Titles Division of Essex (No. 12) Being Part of Lots 25 to 28 (both inclusive), Part of Lots 37 to 40 (both inclusive), Registered Plan 106 All of Lots 24 to 29 (both inclusive), All of Lots 37, 38 and 39, Part of Pitt Street East (formerly Stuart Street) (as closed by City of Windsor By-Law 1828 registered as Instrument 1230673), Part of Pitt Street East (as closed by By-Law 19, registered as Instrument 19), Part of an alley (as closed By-Law 4522, registered as Instrument 561143), Part of an alley (as closed By-Law 10505, registered as Instrument 1148008), Registered Plan 122 All of Lot 4 on the South side of Pitt Street East (formerly Stuart Street) and All of Lots 3 and 4 on the North side of Chatham Street East (formerly Arthur Street), Registered Plan 123 Designated as Parts 6 and 7, Plan 12R-13958 Together with a right in the nature of a temporary easement and right-of-way in favour of Ontario Casino Corporation and its successors and assigns, as appurtenant to and for the benefit of the lands registered in the name of Ontario Casino Corporation, to enter over, along and upon the lands hereinafter described (the "Road Widenings") for purposes of ingress to and egress from the lands registered in the name of Ontario Casino Corporation, such temporary easement and right of way in respect of any part of the Road Widenings to terminate at such time as such part of the Road Widenings has been dedicated for public highway purposes. The Road Widening being Part of Parcel 25-1, Section Windsor-106 Being: Part of Lots 28, 37, 38, 39 and 40, Registered Plan 106 Designated as Parts 8 and 9, Plan 12R-13958 Thirdly: (Registry) In the City of Windsor, in the County of Essex, Registry Division of Essex (No. 12), being: Part of Pitt Street East (formerly William Street) (closed by City of Windsor-By-Law 11957, registered as instrument 1307647) Part of Lots 25 to 28 (both inclusive) declared to be part of Pitt Street East (formerly William Street) by City of Windsor By-Law 1826 (closed by City of Windsor By-Law 11957, registered as Instrument 1307647, Registered Plan 106 Lots 12 to 17 (both inclusive) Lots 30 to 36 (both inclusive) Part of Lots 3 to 6 (both inclusive) 8 to 11 (both inclusive), Part of Lots 18 and 19 Part of Lots 21 to 23 (both inclusive) declared a Public Highway By By-Law registered as Instrument 19 (closed by City of Windsor By-Law 11957, registered as Instrument 1307647) Part of Mercer Street (closed by City of Windsor By-Law 11957, registered as Instrument 1307647) Part of Alley (closed by City of Windsor By-Law 11957, registered as Instrument 1307647) Part of Pitt Street East (formerly Stuart Street) (closed by City of Windsor By-Law 11957, registered as Instrument 1307647), Registered Plan 122. Lots 5 and 7, South side of Stuart Street (Pitt Street East) Part of Lot 5, South side of Sandwich Street (Riverside Drive East) Part of Lot 2, North side of Stuart Street (Pitt Street East) declared a Public Highway by By-Law registered as Instrument 19 (closed by City of Windsor By-Law 11957, registered as Instrument 1307647), Registered Plan 123 Lots 2 to 6 (both inclusive), Block 4 Part of Lot 1, Block 4, Part of Lots 1 to 6 (both inclusive), Block 3, Part of Alley (closed by City of Windsor By-Law 11957, registered as Instrument 1307647) Part of Pitt Street East (formerly Stuart Street) (closed by City of Windsor By-Law 11957, registered as Instrument 1307647), Registered Plan 126 Designated as Part 4, Plan 12R-13958 Fourthly: (Registry) In the City of Windsor, in the County of Essex, Registry Division of Essex (No. 12) being: Part of Lots 41, 42, 55 and 56, Registered Plan 106 Part of Lots 1 to 6 (both inclusive), Registered Plan 111 Lots 40 to 54 (both inclusive), 54A, 55 and 56, Part of Lot 57, Part of Mercer Street (closed by City of Windsor By-Law 11957, registered as Instrument 1307647) Part of Alley (closed by City of Windsor By-Law 11957, registered as Instrument 1307647) Part of Alley (closed by City of Windsor By-Law 1143, registered as Instrument 120123, amended by City of Windsor By-Law 1182, registered as Instrument 103134) Registered Plan 122 Lot 4, North side of Albert Street (University Avenue East), Registered Plan 123 Lots 2 to 7 (both inclusive), Block 11 Part of Lots 1 and 8, Block 11, Part of Alley (closed by City of Windsor By-Law 11957, registered as Instrument 1307647), Registered Plan 126 Designated as Part 15, Plan 12R-13958 Together with a right in the nature of a temporary easement and right-of-way in favour of Ontario Casino Corporation and its successors and assigns, as appurtenant to and for the benefit of the lands registered in the name of Ontario Casino Corporation, to enter over, along and upon the lands hereinafter described (the "Road Widenings") for purposes of ingress to and egress from the lands registered in the name of Ontario Casino Corporation, such temporary easement and right-of-way in respect of any part of the Road Widenings to terminate at such time as such part of the Road Widenings has been dedicated for public highway purposes. The Road Widenings are those lands in the City of Windsor, in the County of Essex, more particularly described as follows: (A) Parts of Lots 3 to 6 (both inclusive) and Part of Lots 8 to 11 (both inclusive), Part of Mercer Street (closed by said By-Law 11957), Registered Plan 122, Part of Lot 5, South side of Riverside Drive East (formerly Sandwich Street), Registered Plan 123, Parts of Lots 1 to 6 (both inclusive), Block 3, Registered Plan 126, all designated as Part 1 on Reference Paln 12R-13958. (B) Part of Pitt Street East (formerly William Street), Registered Plan 106 (closed by said By-Law 11957) and Part of Lot 28 (declared to be part of Pitt Street East (formerly William Street) by By-Law 1826 and subsequently closed by said By-Law Number 11957), Registered Plan 106, all designed as Part 5 on Reference Plan 12R-13958. (C) Parts of Lots 1 to 6 (both inclusive), Registered Plan 111, Part of Lots 55 and 56, Registered Plan 106 and Part of Lot 57, Registered Plan 122, all designated as Part 16 on Reference Plan 12R-13958.