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Feds and Ontario sign affordable housing deal

DCN-JOC News Services
Feds and Ontario sign affordable housing deal

TORONTO — The federal and provincial governments have announced funding support for affordable housing in Ontario under the federal National Housing Strategy via a bilateral agreement signed last year.

Both governments will provide direct affordability support with a joint allocation of $1.4 billion through the Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit, stated a Dec. 19 release. The Canada-Ontario Bilateral Agreement signed in 2018 will provide $5.75 billion to “protect, renew and expand social and community housing, and support Ontario’s priorities related to housing repair, construction and affordability,” the release explained.

The Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit will prioritize households in need that are on, or eligible to be on, a social housing waiting list and households in financial need living in community housing. This includes survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking, persons experiencing or at risk of homelessness, Indigenous persons, seniors and people with disabilities.

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