TORONTO — The Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant (ABTP) Outfall project was recently awarded the 2023 Tunnelling Association of Canada Tunnel Project of the Year for projects under $100 million.
The association hosted the annual awards ceremony late last month at its annual conference.
The project is part of a series of connected projects all aimed and capturing, storing and treating combined sewer overflows (a mix of wastewater and rainwater) and then releasing the treated wastewater into the Lake.
The award recognizes the project team’s commitment to excellence, tunnelling innovation and safety.
The outfall is being built to improve capacity and better convey and disperse effluent (fully treated wastewater) to Lake Ontario.
The ABTP Outfall construction commenced in 2019. Construction is ongoing and the tunnel is expected by operational by the end of January 2025.
The completed construction for the outfall so far includes:
- A 14 metre diameter shaft, approximately 85 metres deep.
- A 3.5-kilometre-long, seven-metre diameter tunnel, mined through rock beneath the lakebed.
- 50 riser pipes to disperse treated and disinfected effluent into Lake Ontario.
For more information click here.
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