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CAA invites nominations for Ontario’s worst roads

CAA invites nominations for Ontario’s worst roads

THORNHILL, ONT. — Voting is now open in Ontario for the annual CAA Worst Roads campaign, giving citizens the opportunity to voice their concerns about poorly maintained roads in their communities.

“Our research shows that 65 per cent of members don’t feel enough is being done to fix the roads,” stated Teresa Di Felice, assistant vice-president with the CAA South Central Ontario (CAA SCO), in a statement. “This is causing a variety of concerning driving behaviours, including swerving to avoid potholes, slowing down for bad spots, and some even changing their route altogether to avoid a bad road.”

Those surveyed say they spent $852 on average to repair their vehicle.

According to a survey conducted by CAA SCO, 84 per cent of members worry about the state of Ontario’s roads, with 42 per cent experiencing vehicle damage due to poor roads. Despite this, 82 per cent pay out of pocket to repair their vehicles, while only four per cent file a claim with insurance, and nine per cent forgo repairs altogether.

“Either because of affordability or availability, many people are holding on to their cars a little longer these days. The last thing they want is expensive repair bills on an already stretched household budget,” added Di Felice.

Nominations for the Worst Roads campaign can be submitted online at until April 19. Once the nominations are collected, CAA will reveal the top 10 worst roads in the province to the public.

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