Several awards of excellence were handed out during the recent Ontario Road Builders’ Association conference in Toronto. Some of the winners are as follows:
MTO Paver of the Year
Ontario’s Ministry of Transportation (MTO) presented annual awards to members of the Ontario Road Builders’ Association (ORBA) during the convention in Toronto Feb. 6. Pioneer Construction was recognized as MTO Paver of the Year. Receiving a plaque from MTO chief engineer with the Provincial Highways Management Division Kevin Bentley (right) was Jason Eerola of Pioneer. Jorge Cadete, manager of Southern Ontario Operations with Bot Construction, also received the Ministry of Transportation Concrete Contract of the Year award, which was also handed out by Bentley.
Scholarship Awards
ORBA awarded scholarships to four students at its annual meeting in Toronto. Pictured from left, Taylor Schram, Fanshawe College, Joe Bunting Scholarship; Darren Bauman, University of Waterloo, J.D. Chick Scholarship; Noah Kennedy, Conestoga College, ORBA Civil Engineering Technology Scholarship; Ben Hansford, University of Waterloo, ORBA Civil Engineering Scholarship; and ORBA past president Geoffrey Stevens. During the awards breakfast, the Ontario Asphalt Paving Council (OAPC) also honoured outstanding members including Steve Smith, Miller Paving, OAPC Earl Kee Volunteer of the Year Award; Manual Cota, Aecon Materials Engineering, OAPC Joe Bunting Mentorship Award; Robin Beamish, Beamish Construction, OAPC Honourary Life Membership Award.
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