The Ontario Association of Architects (OAA) is in the process of retrofitting its energy-inefficient headquarters building to meet the 2030 Challenge.
Construction got underway in March 2018 on the “renew and refresh” project on Moatfield Drive in Toronto. Completion is scheduled for early next year.
The construction contract was awarded to MJ Dixon Construction Ltd. at a cost of just over $6.2 million. The overall budget is $8.5 million.
Under the 2030 Challenge, incremental targets are set for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in new buildings, developments and major renovations.
The ultimate goal is to achieve carbon neutral status by 2030, which is defined as using no fossil-fuel, greenhouse gas-emitting energy to operate.
The building industry is considered one of the largest contributors to global warming, says OAA president John Stephenson.
“The OAA headquarters is a symbol of the architectural profession in Ontario,” he said. “It is our responsibility, as architects, to lead change.”
The association will beat the 2030 deadline by more than 10 years. The three-storey, 21,400-square-foot building opened in April 1992.
Over the years, the OAA said, the need for extensive maintenance became increasingly evident, as did the fact energy use was significantly above average for a low-rise office building.
In advance of greenlighting the retrofit project, a study was undertaken by the association’s five-person building committee. It was overseen by David Fujiwara Architect.
Sustainable Edge was hired to co-ordinate the mechanical feasibility study with Transsolar Klima Engineering providing the energy and thermal modelling.
Gottesman Associates was retained as the lighting and daylighting consultant.
The study reviewed potential building improvements and their impact on overall energy consumption.
It is our goal to be electrical power balanced over the course of a year and thus be net-zero energy
— Ontario Association of Architects
Maintaining the architectural integrity and appearance of the building designed by architect Ruth Cawker was identified as a high priority.
In 2016, the OAA’s governing council ultimately directed its consultant team headed by Fujiwara to proceed with design development and contract
The building’s entire interior space is also being refreshed as part of the project.
“The architectural profession in Ontario wants the OAA headquarters to be an example of how medium-sized commercial space can meet the 2030 targets,” said OAA past-president and building committee chair Sheena Sharp.
“Retrofitting existing buildings is key to meeting the goals of reducing our carbon footprint. Our goal is to make our headquarters an example and encourage building owners to retrofit with long-term goals in mind.”
Both passive design approaches and commonly available technologies are being incorporated in the retrofit project, the OAA said in a statement prepared for the Daily Commercial News.
These measures include installation of ground-source heat pumps — serviced by a double-circular field of 15,600-foot wells — as well as rooftop solar panels.
Electrical production from the panels will be fed into the power grid, while daily electricity needed to operate the building will be drawn from the grid.
“It is our goal to be electrical power balanced over the course of a year and thus be net-zero energy,” the OAA said.
A natural gas pipeline will be disconnected from the building.
The current “energy hungry” forced air and Variable Air Volume box system in combination with electric baseboard heaters is to be removed and replaced with a hydronic fan coil heating/cooling system.
Fan coil units mostly located around the perimeter can be individually or zone-controlled.
The building’s HVAC and electrical systems will be controlled and monitored by a “robust” building automation and management system that will “learn” to keep the building comfortable and as energy-efficient as possible, according to the OAA.
The OAA said a full year of use will be required “to engage and monitor” all aspects of the building automation system’s design. Monitoring and adjusting the system will be an ongoing process.
Other measures include the provision of additional insulation, window shading and new LED and occupancy/sunlight controlled light fixtures to reduce energy usage within the building.
The project is being undertaken by a team that includes mechanical and electrical engineering consultants WSP Canada, structural engineering consultants Peter Sheffield & Associates Ltd., electrical contractors Black and McDonald and mechanical contractors Plan Group. WSP Canada will be charged with commissioning.
The OAA regulates the practice of architecture in the province.
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