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Edmonton transit centres reopen

JOC News Service
Edmonton transit centres reopen

EDMONTON, ALTA. – Two Edmonton transit centres have reopened after a year’s worth of repair work.

The Belvedere transit centre reopened on Oct. 2 with a new modern building featuring a viewing area, more space and improved safety features and amenities.

A transit centre in Castledowns reopened in late July after work was completed including mechanical and heating systems, a barrier-free design and accessible public and transit operator bathrooms.

“Transit centres are a critical part of the fabric that connects Edmontonians to their city and to each other. We’ve collaborated with many stakeholders to create integrated, barrier-free designs that allow more Edmontonians to safely access the transit system,” Edmonton Transit Service branch manager Eddie Robar said.

The City of Edmonton is investing in 21 transit centres, 17 LRT stations and two LRT tunnels as part of the  Transit Centre Revitalization Project, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, operating costs and shift to LED lighting.

The Transit Centre Revitalization Project is funded through the government of Alberta’s Green Transit Incentives Program with $15,305,887 and the federal Public Transit Infrastructure Fund which will contribute $30,611,774.

“The Government of Alberta is pleased to support Edmonton’s public transit centre development.  This investment will help improve local public transit services to better connect Edmonton residents to jobs, school and services,” Alberta minister of transportation Ric McIver said.

The Green Transit Incentives Program provides funding support for local, regional and inter-municipal public transit throughout Alberta and the federal Public Transit Infrastructure Fund provides funding to municipalities to enhance and expand public transit across Canada.  

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