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Manitoba upgrades roads to Norway House Cree Nation

Manitoba upgrades roads to Norway House Cree Nation

NORWAY HOUSE CREE NATION, MAN. – The Manitoba government is investing $21.5 million into a multi-year infrastructure investment for Norway House Cree Nation.

The proposed project would repave approximately 30 kilometres of provincial roads that go through and connect both Norway House Cree Nation and the Norway House community and includes the restoration of Provincial Road 373.

Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure is also advancing a joint cost-shared feasibility study with the federal government to replace the nearby Sea Falls Ferry with a permanent bridge.

“We’re upgrading and restoring the roads connecting communities to each other and the local airport. This will make it easier and safer for people to get around the Norway House region. As we prioritize vital infrastructure across the province, we’re collaborating with First Nations in the spirit of reconciliation, community well-being and economic growth,” said Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Lisa Naylor in a statement.

“I am pleased to see these projects move ahead. These are essential infrastructure initiatives that will improve the safety of community members. It is a sign that the government takes northern needs seriously,” Norway House Cree Nation Chief Larson Anderson added.

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