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Kenney announces provincial agreement on foreign credentials

The Canadian Press

Employment Minister Jason Kenney is slated to announce an agreement with the provinces to recognize 10 new occupations, including welders, carpenters and electricians, to improve foreign-credential recognition.

Employment Minister Jason Kenney is slated to announce an agreement with the provinces to recognize 10 new occupations, including welders, carpenters and electricians, to improve foreign-credential recognition.

Kenney will provide details soon in Vancouver, while Immigration Minister Chris Alexander will make a similar announcement in Toronto.

At a recent meeting of labour ministers in Charlottetown, the lawmakers announced the addition of 10 new target occupations aimed at easing credential requirements for foreign-born Canadians.

Kenney and Alexander will announce the precise occupations. They include several skilled trades, a government official said.

The official also said one of the goals of easing credential requirements is to help lessen the need for temporary foreign workers by making better use of the talent that’s already in Canada.

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