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New CAPP study details B.C. natural gas supply chain and community investment

DCN-JOC News Services
New CAPP study details B.C. natural gas supply chain and community investment

CALGARY, ALTA. – A new report is highlighting significant spending on both British Columbia’s communities and natural gas supply chains.

The report, titled Our Communities Care, was conducted by iTOTEM Analytics on behalf of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) to study investment by the oil and gas industry into municipalities and Indigenous communities in British Columbia.

The report concluded the oil and gas industry spent over $4.7 billion in 140 municipalities and Indigenous nations through procurement of goods and services from more than 2,400 B.C.-based business.

“The emerging liquified natural gas industry on the West Coast is a generational opportunity that will help reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by providing some of the lowest emission natural gas on the planet, while being a source of prosperity for British Columbians and Indigenous nations for decades to come,” CAPP president Lisa Baiton said in a statement.




Approximately $765 million was spent between 2018 and 2021 in B.C.’s natural gas supply chain with 135 Indigenous-affiliated businesses throughout Canada and $540 million was spent with 100 B.C. Indigenous-affiliated businesses.

Community investment contributions of $16.8 million were made to more than 350 organizations in B.C. between 2018 and 2021; $13 million of that amount went to Indigenous nations or affiliated organizations, a CAPP release added.

The top five municipalities in terms of supply chain spending in order were Fort St. John at $2.5 billion, Dawson Creek at $632 million, Pouce Coupe with $408 million, Vancouver at $308 million and Wonowon at $132 million.

The list of top five municipalities with the greatest number of businesses involved in the natural gas supply chain was similar with Fort St. John again on top, followed by Dawson Creek, Vancouver, Charlie Lake and Fort Nelson.

The B.C. natural gas sector spent $540 million with some 100 B.C.-based Indigenous-affiliated businesses and organizations between 2018-2021 and the B.C. Assembly of First Nations’ Northeast Region had the largest count and spend of Indigenous-affiliated vendors, while the Lower Mainland Southwest Region had the second highest count and spend in B.C.’s natural gas industry, the report stated.

Approximately $260 million in expenditures were reported for reclamation and remediation services in B.C. between 2018 and 2021 and an estimated 280 businesses were contracted for those services, with 11 per cent of those businesses Indigenous-affiliated.

The full report is available here.

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