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Royal Architectural Institute offers course on Building Information Modeling

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Architect Kiyoshi Matsuzaki (FRAIC) writes that the Royal Architectural Insitute of Canada (RAIC) is offering a course to help design professionals offer fully integrated project delivery using building information modeling (BIM) —an object-oriented digital representation of a building that allows the user to extract quantities and shared properties of materials.

There has been a lot of discussion within the architecture profession and the design and construction industry of late about the power of building information modeling (BIM) — an object-oriented digital representation of a building whereby quantities and shared properties of materials can be extracted. Naturally like all new technologies, BIM has its pros and cons. The RAIC will be offering a course to enable architects, engineers and others in the industry to understand how to offer fully integrated project delivery using this powerful new tool.

Unlike 2D CAD drawings, BIM pulls together the data that describes the functional and physical aspects of a building and its components in an integrated, dynamic fashion. The data can include such critical factors as the dimensions and structural characteristics of beams, the fire rating of partitions, or warranties for mechanical equipment and, of course, unit costs.

The power behind this integrated information can push the envelope of an architect’s creativity and further facilitate strategies and solutions to make buildings more sustainable. Such a powerful tool must be fully understood in order to be accurately wielded. To that end RAIC will be offering a full–day course – Integrated Project Delivery through Building Information Modeling (BIM) this fall (including one session during Construct Canada).

The course will look at the many reasons for an architectural practice to change and offer Integrated Project Delivery services and to adopt BIM. The most obvious reason may be the 3D aspect of designing and documenting a project; however, there are other more compelling reasons, some of which include BIM’s role in an integrated project delivery methodology that embraces 4D (construction sequencing) and emergent 5D (costing and pricing).

Presented by professionals in active practice who use BIM every day, the course will explore how BIM is integrated into the workflow from both the Architects’ perspective and that of the entire Architectural-Engineering-Construction (AEC) team. This is an overview of emerging trends and practices, so participants will not be dealing with the actual use of software. Rather the goal is to raise the participants understanding of Integrated Project Delivery and Project Alliances, in essence how it can offer a better way of working together. Participants will be exposed to an overview of current emerging trends in BIM development and deployment; how BIM can help a firm’s sustainable design strategy; and the important factors for the implementation of BIM in a design professional’s office.

The course itself is divided into two parts. The first provides an introduction to BIM by surveying the current state of the construction industry, its inadequacies, the changing digital environment and what these changes mean for architects and the construction industry. Part 1 will also outline the major software vendors and the needs for office infrastructure (software, hardware, networks, etc.). The second part presents how BIM can assist in Integrated Project Delivery; how it can be incorporated into architectural practice; and how developing a practice-based Integrated Project Delivery methodology can improve workflow and quality. Part 2 will look at how to work with BIM-based consultants to improve project coordination. The session will conclude with a look at emerging contracts (alliance agreements) that encompass the entire project team. All this will be presented with theory and a series of case studies and supported with an RAIC Practice Builder. The course is sponsored by Autodesk, which will be represented by Caesar Ruest, Applications Specialist. Both instructors are based in Edmonton, Allan Partridge, MRAIC, Principal, HIP Architects and Mitchell Clark, Mechanical Engineer, Stantec Consulting, and will share their hands-on experience.

This BIM course will be available throughout Canada. Please see Development/Current Courses for more information and to register.

Kiyoshi Matsuzaki, FRAIC is president of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada.

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