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Canada BIM Council appoints new directors

Journal Of Commerce

In a move designed to broaden its reach and perspective, the Canada BIM (building information modelling) Council has appointed four new directors.

In a move designed to broaden its reach and perspective, the Canada BIM (building information modelling) Council has appointed four new directors.

They are: Sheryl Staub-French, associate professor in the department of civil engineering at the University of British Columbia; Dan Neufeglise, a senior project manager at PCL Constructors Canada Inc.; Ian Trudeau, CAD & BIM manager at Halsall Associates Ltd.; and Paul Stocco, partner at Brownlee LLP.

In a release, the council said it is looking to further develop roots both in academia and the BIM community.

It said Staub-French brings to the table a broad-based understanding of BIM implementation informed by her research and experience on BIM projects.

Trudeau offers a distinctly relevant perspective as a practising BIM and CAD professional, with strong ties to the sphere of engineering and BIM.

For his part, Neufeglise has a wealth of experience in the industry, including 27 years with PCL.

He is an active member of PCL’s BIM task force.

Stocco provides an important perspective as he contributes a depth of understanding from the legal framework.

He has lectured on the topics of contract formation and tendering law, building liens and construction law in Canada. Stocco also sits on a number of risk management committees and has published articles on variety of construction-related topics.

The council said the perspectives of the new directors will be useful especially as the council rolls out its new series of meetings across the country.


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