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Builder aims to shake up industry with Nexiite material

JOC News Services
Builder aims to shake up industry with Nexiite material
NEXII BUILDING SOLUTIONS — Nexii Building Solutions bolts together a prefabricated structure. The company has developed a proprietary building material called Nexiite. It believes that with its new material and methods, it can significantly reduce a project’s impact on the environment.

VANCOUVER — A Canadian construction company is hoping to shake up the industry with a new building material called Nexiite.

Nexii Building Solutions Inc. believes its material and methods could have a massive impact on reducing the construction sector’s impact on the environment. The building solution is comprised of the proprietary low-carbon material Nexiite, which together with the Nexii design and assembly process, facilitates the rapid construction of sustainable, cost-efficient, durable and disaster-resilient buildings.

“The building and construction sector is responsible for 39 per cent of climate pollution,” said Stephen Sidwell, Nexii CEO in a press release. “I’m incredibly proud to be part of a solution to a significant contributing factor to the climate crisis. Nexii has the potential to advance building technology and reduce climate impacts created by the construction sector and buildings.”

 The company believes it can significantly reduce environmental impacts by reducing the amount of materials needed through its assembly and fabrication methods. Its low-carbon material also means less concrete is needed for traditional buildings, which could significantly reduce end-to-end carbon emissions. Nexii’s suitability for the significant retrofit market could also lead to improved energy efficiencies of existing buildings, cutting carbon emissions.

The company is currently scaling up to meet high demand locally and globally. In the last six months, Nexii has received $10 million in investment, completed its 20,000 square foot pilot manufacturing facility and invested in designing, engineering and testing the Nexii material and assembly process. Lotus Capital Corp., Beedie, and Omicron Canada Inc. are some of the key investors and early customers that have taken an interest in the company.

 “As a member of Nexii’s advisory committee, we are excited about the incredible potential we see in Nexii, and the significant pipeline of projects it is poised to deliver,” said Shenoor Jadavji, founder and president of Lotus Capital Corp. “We are not only excited by the potential for broad applications of Nexii’s technology, but we also see key points of alignment in terms of utilizing the Nexii technology in some of our own developments.”

 Nexii stated it aims to continue investing in its manufacturing, research and development, testing and licensing programs, as well as fulfilling the high demand reflected in its current sales pipeline. The company added that it is currently aggressively accelerating its go-to-market strategy, actively building full-scale commercial production facilities, as well as developing partners interested in licensing agreements.

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