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Venasse wins UBC anti-fraud award

Venasse wins UBC anti-fraud award
UBC — Attending a Community Builder award presentation in North Bay, Ont. recently were, from left, Adam and Steven Venasse, Local 2486 representatives Cameron Deering, Gabe Parent and Rheal Gelinas, and Northeastern Ontario Construction Association representative Mark Kivanen.

NORTH BAY, ONT. — As part of its continuing campaign against fraud in the industry, the United Brotherhood of Carpenters (UBC) has announced a new contractor recognition campaign to recognize contractors who “play by the rules.”

The Community Builder campaign honours employers that are dedicated to fair practices, worker rights and industry excellence, stated a release.

The fraud awareness program targets industry tax fraud, labour trafficking and the underground economy.

According to Statistics Canada, the GDP at market prices for underground economic activity in Canada was estimated to be $68.5 billion, or 2.7 per cent of the total GDP, in 2021.

The Construction Industry Tax Fraud Days of Action is spearheaded by the Carpenters’ and Millwrights’ union throughout Canada and the United States. The unions are calling on municipal, provincial, state and federal governments to take steps to address the issue.

Participating in the Community Builder Campaign in 2023 were the Atlantic Canada Regional Council of Carpenters, Millwrights and Allied Workers, Conseil Regional Quebecois, the National Construction Council, Millwright Regional Council and Carpenters’ Regional Council.

Recognized as a Community Builder in northern Ontario was Venasse Building Group of North Bay.

“Congratulations to Venasse Building Group, one of the most well-deserving contractors we work with,” stated Jason Rowe of the Carpenters’ Regional Council. “They’re a company that operates ethically and is well trusted in our industry.”

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