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Windsor contractor fined $80,000 after two workers fall from platform

Windsor contractor fined $80,000 after two workers fall from platform

TORONTO — Two workers were injured when they fell while on a work platform and Amico Contractors Inc. has been convicted and fined $80,000 as a result of the incident.

The Windsor, Ont.-based company was convicted May 1. The court found the company failed to ensure the platform was constructed and installed to support the weight of the workers, as required by section 134(1)(a) of Regulation 213/91, contrary to section 25(1)(c) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

The incident occurred July 25, 2022 at a construction project at 1900 6th Concession Rd. in LaSalle, Ont.

The two workers were setting precast stairs and landings in stair shafts and they built a work platform and braced it inside the stair shaft.

Shortly after the two workers climbed onto the platform to complete their work on the stairs, the platform fell while both workers were on it, causing injuries.

A Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development inspection revealed the workers did not construct or install the platform to support all loads to which it was likely to be subjected to, indicates a court bulletin.

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