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Over 150 Canadian organizations launch ‘Six Principles for a Just Recovery’

Over 150 Canadian organizations launch ‘Six Principles for a Just Recovery’

TORONTO — With governments preparing recovery plans in response to the COVID-19 emergency, an informal alliance of more than 150 civil society groups, representing collective memberships of millions in Canada, have released “Six Principles for a Just Recovery,” demanding the plans move toward a more equitable and sustainable future.

Endorsing organizations span sectors and communities across the country and include the Canadian Labour Congress, Indigenous Climate Action, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Federation des travailleurs et travailleuses du Quebec and the Canadian Health Coalition.

The launch marks the beginning of independent and collaborative efforts by participating organizations to urge all levels of government to deliver a transformational recovery for all people, indicates a release issued May 25.

The organizations’ message to governments includes that recovery efforts must support the transition to a more equitable, sustainable and diversified economy, and not entrench outdated economic and social systems that jeopardize the health and wellbeing of people, worsen the climate crisis, or perpetuate the exploitation or oppression of people.

The principles ask that recovery plans:

  • Put people’s health and wellbeing first;
  • strengthen the social safety net and provide relief directly to people;
  • prioritize the needs of workers and communities;
  • build resilience to prevent future crises;
  • build solidarity and equity across communities, generations and borders; and
  • Uphold Indigenous rights and work in partnership with Indigenous people.

“The choices we make now about how to recover from this pandemic will shape not only our health and economic future, but also the future of human life on this planet,” said Canadian Labour Congress president Hassan Yussuff in a statement.

“We need public investments to help meet our commitment to limit global warming, by developing renewable energy, increasing energy efficiency, supporting struggling public transit systems and ensuring a just transition for workers and their communities. We must prioritize investing in things that create much needed good jobs.” 

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