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Gillam Group gears up to grow moustaches for Movember

DCN-JOC News Services
Gillam Group gears up to grow moustaches for Movember

TORONTO — Gillam Group president Craig Lesurf and a Great Group of Guys and Gals from Gillam (5G) will once again be taking part in Movember.

Lesurf and his team will be growing moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men’s health issues such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer and men’s suicide. 

Lesurf is a 10-year cancer survivor. This is the seventh time in his life he has shaved all his facial hair and six of those times have been for Movember, he said.

Lesurf and the members of his team have either shaved and/or are growing a stache to raise money for men’s health or are participating in the MOVE fitness challenge.

“Every year when I have people say ‘who are you’ or ‘I don’t recognize you’ and it gets everyone confused as to what I look like,” said Lesurf in an email. “I do it because I have a purpose (besides trying to grow a stellar and ridiculous Mo that is), a desire to help raise MO MOney, all in support of the movement that is Movember which operates off of donations.  The more donations we get, the more magnificent of a collective MO we can grow, it’s a scientific fact! That and the great things they do in support of men’s health.”

Last year Lesurf was one of the top 10 fundraisers in Canada thanks to generous contributions and support. Team Gillam also achieved third in the team challenge in the construction industry across Canada and was able to raise $43,906.

To contribute to Lesurf’s fundraising campaign click here or for the Great Group of Guys & Gals from Gillam click here.

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