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Burlington lift bridge contract awarded

DCN News Service
Burlington lift bridge contract awarded

BURLINGTON, ONT. —The State Group Inc. of Mississauga has been awarded a $9.4-million contract to start a major construction project at the Burlington Canal Lift Bridge.

The project includes replacing key components of the bridge lift system, reads a release.

Since 1962, the Burlington Canal Lift Bridge has operated more than 200,000 times, allowing the passage of more than 340,000 vessels. On a yearly basis, the bridge allows 6,500 vessels to pass through the canal, including more than 1,000 cargo-carrying vessels.

Spanning the Burlington Bay Canal, the four-lane bridge is not only a highway link between Burlington and Hamilton for daily commuters, but its lift function allows both commercial marine and pleasure craft traffic to move freely between Lake Ontario and the Port of Hamilton, the release states.

Construction will take place over the winter of 2015 and 2016 during the regular periods of closure for the Burlington Canal.

"The Burlington Canal Lift Bridge is an important piece of infrastructure serving the cities of Hamilton and Burlington and surrounding communities," says Burlington MP Mike Wallace in the release.

"This project is ensuring the highest standards of safety for the Burlington Canal Lift Bridge for the benefits of the community and industry for many more years."

The installation of the new drives, controls and overhead cables will be included in the project, allowing the bridge to serve marine traffic normally during the navigation season. The project is expected to be completed in spring 2016.

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