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LafargeHolcim’s Next Generation awards recognize sustainable design

LafargeHolcim’s Next Generation awards recognize sustainable design
LAFARGE HOLCIM - First prize winner of the LafargeHolcim Next Generation award went to Daniel Marshall, teaching fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Mass., for Unmaking Architecture, New York, a management tool for reusing salvaged materials. The project shows how dismantled elements such as floor slabs can be used in the construction of new buildings.

ZURICH, SWITZERLAND – The LafargeHolcim Awards recently announced the Next Generation category winners in North America, recognizing the visionary concepts and bold ideas of young professionals and students to address fundamental issues and challenges.

A total of 4,742 projects from 134 countries were submitted. The judges used the five target issues for sustainable construction with which the LafargeHolcim Foundation assesses sustainability: progress, people, planet, prosperity and place.

The LafargeHolcim Foundation conducts the competition.

In addition to the prize money, each winner will receive a personalized trophy featuring the Modulor of the Swiss architect Le Corbusier. The trophy base is made of ECOPact, a low-carbon concrete by LafargeHolcim, showcasing materials that enable circular flows and carbon-neutral construction, states a release.

First prize and the winner of US$25,000 is Unmaking Architecture, New York – Management tool for reusing salvaged materials.  The submission features an artificial-intelligence-based tool to optimize the reuse of demolition rubble. The winner is Daniel Marshall, teaching fellow (2019/2020) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge.

Second prize, which includes a cash prize of US$20,000, was awarded to Daniel Francisco Gonzalez, student, and Noor Shaikh, consultant, with IXIM Bioproducts Inc. of Waterloo and Toronto for Off the Wall, Canada – Making building components from food-processing byproducts. It is a smart production system that uses byproducts from agriculture and aquaculture to make building components.

Third prize US$15,000 went to Performative Landscapes in Florida – Contextual reconversion of an industrial site – A design for converting an impacted site on Tampa Bay into a productive and attractive landscape. The winner is Samuel Clovis, architect, Los Angeles, Calif.

Fourth place, featuring a cash prize of US$10,000, was presented to Pure Inhale, Connecticut – Plant-based design module research – a research-based project that deploys vegetation to tackle environmental, health and social challenges in urban areas. The winner is Phoebe Mankiewicz, Ph.D. student, Yale Center for Ecosystems in Architecture, New Haven, Conn.

The 21 Next Generation category winners will be presented virtually and the winning projects and authors in the main category will be honoured at a hybrid event at the international Venice Biennale of Architecture in mid-November 2021. 

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